Friday, January 29, 2010

Everywhere I'm turning, Nothing seems complete..

I am grateful for being a woman. We have the privilege of blaming everything on our menstrual cycle. How much truth is behind it, no one knows. Perhaps there is an underlying truth that we choose to ignore simply because we can. What happens when you begin to feel it is becoming an excuse? Is ignorance really bliss?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Maybe I don't really wanna know, how your garden grows cause I just wanna fly..

So another year gone by hey? This is where I'm suppose to write about my downfalls and up-climbs(?) of the year 2009 I guess. Too much to recall, too many to rename so no thanks. Mistakes should be reflected upon but essentially it's the future that people should be looking forward to so how about delving into the year 2010 instead?


I see a big year of changes, possible mistakes and possible regrets. I also see a year of fun and a year of time - whether I actually get things done though is questionable. Usually with a new year there follows a list of resolutions. Although I'm an obsessive list addict, I haven't really composed one yet. Partially due to the lack of confidence to get through it. J's Zero Day Project is a rather nifty idea - though I lack motivation. So I figured maybe I'll just come up with one thing to live by for 2010;

To be free.

To be free of what, you say. Well that's up to your own interpretation. That's right, I'm priceless biatch.