Friday, January 29, 2010

Everywhere I'm turning, Nothing seems complete..

I am grateful for being a woman. We have the privilege of blaming everything on our menstrual cycle. How much truth is behind it, no one knows. Perhaps there is an underlying truth that we choose to ignore simply because we can. What happens when you begin to feel it is becoming an excuse? Is ignorance really bliss?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Maybe I don't really wanna know, how your garden grows cause I just wanna fly..

So another year gone by hey? This is where I'm suppose to write about my downfalls and up-climbs(?) of the year 2009 I guess. Too much to recall, too many to rename so no thanks. Mistakes should be reflected upon but essentially it's the future that people should be looking forward to so how about delving into the year 2010 instead?


I see a big year of changes, possible mistakes and possible regrets. I also see a year of fun and a year of time - whether I actually get things done though is questionable. Usually with a new year there follows a list of resolutions. Although I'm an obsessive list addict, I haven't really composed one yet. Partially due to the lack of confidence to get through it. J's Zero Day Project is a rather nifty idea - though I lack motivation. So I figured maybe I'll just come up with one thing to live by for 2010;

To be free.

To be free of what, you say. Well that's up to your own interpretation. That's right, I'm priceless biatch.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I can show you the world, Shining, shimmering, splendid..

So it has been a hot couple of weeks indeed and what a way to trump the dehydrated public with a few bath tubs of rain. I personally enjoy the rain very much as it's soothing, refreshing, (insert synonym here, here and here). Loveliest of all though, it just smells so.... nice. As if for a brief moment nature is actually pure; untainted by man. It feels like your skin is taking a breath of fresh air - like the first breath you take when you step outside at 5am in the morning during the peak of winter!

Rain creates such a romantic atmosphere. Not just the two-way, lovey dovey one (though I wouldn't mind crossing that off my list) but also the romance that you feel on your own as if you have the whole world to yourself where your shoulders are so light they could float (okay, funny image in my head). So how did I take advantage of this perfect opportunity? I danced. In actuality, I was just trying to move my body, dancing is a little out of my league. Regardless! The rain was dropping at perfect velocity - not too strongly, not to weakly, just perfect :) It has to be on the golden list of best feelings one could ever experience (by far) - maybe somewhere near the rush of blood filling your arm again after realizing you've deprived it for a good hour or so. No actually I'd say it's somewhere near the feeling of finally getting to pee after trying to keep it in for Jesus knows how long. Softer than the feeling of adrenalin. But anyway, if you haven't tried it I advise you do. It's just something that everyone should try at least once, life's too short! Embrace the rain! Hallelujah! Lol. I guess the best word to describe the feeling would be 'alive'. You feel solid which realizes your existence making you feel alive and living. Something like that. And of course it's just pure fun.

It's not as cold as you would think either but I reckon the coldness adds to the fun. After all, who wouldn't eat ice cream because it was winter? It's also good practice if ever your hot water system stops working and you are forced to take cold showers for a good fortnight.

I also had a very good time singing along to hit 90s tracks with J, S & T. Music from the 90s was the shit. Can't say the same for fashion though. Shame. Such a great era of music curtained with such bad dress sense. Double denim, over sized shirts, dark lipstick, middle parted hair... just to name a few. Minimalism they called it. Ah, childhood. I remember thinking I was way cool with my denim jacket. Ironically enough it was also a decade of supermodels. I remember the ice cream commercial (I think it was ice cream) where Cindy Crawford found it so tasty, she accidentally licked her mole off. That was a brief moment of my life where I thought 'Eww, but maybe I can try too!'. Can't wait for the 90s fashion revival when I'm 50 lol. Not really actually, there are only so many times you can revive an era, shouldn't waste it with the 90s. Oh but the music was so good! Oh and the Disney movies! Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King, Mulan, man how time flies! I'm glad I grew up in the 90s :D

Oh aren't I full of glee today.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

That's M-O-N-E-Y so sexy..


Just because everything requires money does not mean that everything is about money. So you don't always make a profit. So you don't always win. So you don't always end up with more than what you started with. So? Don't make money become your life. When asked, 'What is the purpose of life?', you dig down deep to try and find an answer. You don't answer 'money'. If life is about money you would've answered 'money'. Don't let money govern the way you live. I hate the word 'money'. In fact, I hate money. Money is the source of most, if not all, evil.

I'm not saying that we don't need money or that we can't survive without money. Yes, money does make the world go around in a sense that it is a necessity. We need it for food, for shelter, etc. We don't need iPods, we don't need flashy clothes, we definitely don't need 15" MacBook Pros. I guess what I'm trying to say is; we actually only need enough money to get by. We don't actually need the excess money for anything other than to feed our ever growing egos. After you earn more than what you need, you begin to want. Needing money is different to wanting money - a concept which many people are blind to. You say that you worked hard for your money, and I'm sure you did, that you deserve a little pampering, and I'm sure you do, but isn't that because we are spoilt by our materialistic society? Just caught by the wrath of consumerism? Just the need to be, what they call it, cool/out there/with the crowd/amongst the trend.

Money can do wonders, make wonders in fact - because we allow it to. Though, something only has a worth because we want it. Its value is lost as soon as it becomes undesirable -- look how many sales there are around us. The less we want something, the lesser its value. The less we want money, the lesser money is worth, hence the more room there is for everything else that matters. Will we ever see past the value of money? If you love what you're doing/studying/what you will eventually be doing, should the amount of money you earn affect your love for what you do? Technically the answer should be no because if you're content, why would you want more? Now that's just being greedy if you want more. Our way of life can be so different and so much better if we just take a step back and try to see past the fog of consumerism.

I admire the Amish.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again..

Never have I surfed facebook so extensively as I did last night
or this morning if we want to get all technical
Though as a consequence I was REMing through my alarms and missed the first half of uni
as usual
I'm running late for uni as it is
I have Keane playing in my ears
I stepped on the tram and saw a familiar face
Naturally I chose to sit opposite this classmate of mine
though I was listening quite intently to the music and didn't really want to interrupt it
As a result
we just smiled to each other and giggled to the fact that it was not necessary to take out our headphones
We both could not be bothered and we simply communicated in silence
To comply with the mood
we passed notes to each other as a means of talking
Just to break the 'awkward silence' you know
Strange experience it was
I mean
how often do you actually want to know how they're going?
Are you really interested in what they did over the weekend?
Would you even remember what their answer was the next day?
Though I was glad that my classmate and I had a mutual understanding
it would've been hella awkward otherwise.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby I'm hot like an oven, I need your lovin'..

There is a new ad for Durex condoms created by a production company called superfad. They've got some pretty awesome stuff too so check it out. On their website, there's a section where you can view the 'bloopers' of the ad as well which are kinda funny.

While on the topic of sex, I can across this video on youtube while I was trying to search for the ad on Youtube, it portrays sex in a more realistic manner compared to what is shown in movies, etc. Funny.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday morning rain is falling...

I love rainy days.

I love the refreshing scent of rain.

And so it rained today, and I enjoyed it.

It also makes me feel a lot cozier when it rains. It's as if each rain droplet is a sperm. They all seem to be racing to the 'egg' and seeing who will get there first. Little do they know that such a thing as gravity exists.

By the way the lyrics to Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning are very sweet. I never realised but when I looked them up today, it made me smile. All of the lyrics are rather neat but I like this line the best,

"Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable, You twist to fit the mold that I am in"

But on an angrier note, I decided to transfer the photos from my camera to upload, AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW I HAD TO BE A DOUCHE AND DELETE THE WHOLE FOLDER GRRRRARARARARARAR!!!!!
I was organising a portion of the photos into a sub folder for a more convenient transfer, then after the transfer I would just delete the sub folder and repeat the same steps with the rest of the photos on my camera.. I must've pressed something really darn stupid and I deleted the main folder instead of the sub folder.. so BAM! 80% of my photos are gone forever... so I was sad. And angry. I didn't even bother to double check which folder I was deleting when it prompted me. I hate my bad habit of using Shift+Delete. BAD BAD BAD.
LUCKILY I had transferred the photos of The Vines first! Phew. If I had deleted those too I would kill myself. I guess I didn't lose anything too valuable but if they were valuable enough to be captured, then they have value to an extent.. from memory I lost the pictures of the best pie I have ever tasted and a few artistic shots of a bitten yoyo, and just random shots of random things here and there. :(

Since I don't want to end with a depressing smiley face, and since I'm actually on the topic of not wanting to end with a depressing smiley face; I was having an intriguing conversation with a workmate of mine whereby we were discussing 'argument rules'.

"Never go to bed angry"
Yay or nay? I personally prefer to sort things out just because the problem is not going to disappear after 8 hours of sleep. And how are you suppose to sleep knowing someone is upset at you? Or that you are upset at someone? It's like leaving your house but not locking your door.

That was the only point we pretty much talked about before we were interupted by customers. SO, naturally I paid Google a visit when I got home and found this informative (and quite true) piece on some rules for technical arguments. Here's a paragraph that I couldn't help but agree with:

Rule one is scarily simple. You will never change anyone's mind on a matter of opinion. Someone going into an argument believing one thing, and coming out the other side not believing it is a freak occurrence ranking somewhere alongside virgin birth and victorious English sporting teams. People change their minds gradually, and if anything a prolonged argument only serves to back someone into a corner, huddling closer to the security blanket of what they believe.

A few points that jumped out at me:

"..arguing is largely pointless."
Indeed. Although I am a frequent participator in arguments, both parties hardly ever come down to the same conclusion, thus, the whole argument is pretty much pointless. I enjoy arguing but I have to admit, my mind is not open enough to actually agree with you, rather, I tend to understand what you're getting at. You can call me stubborn but no, I disagree, I'm merely opinionated.

"Do not argue about politics, religion, or matters of personal taste or comparative morality."
But the best arguments are the ones about politics, religion, matters of personal taste and comparative morality! Laughing out loud in all seriousness, these arguments really do not go anywhere. I've had my fair share of such 'discussions' and it is utterly frustrating! Interesting, but frustrating. Never go down that road unless you have a few hours worth of saliva to spare.

"The ideal attitude to project during any argument is one of calm disinterest."
Nothing's worse than escalating into an emotion brawl, which of course, is even more pointless. In any case, "any emotional involvement you show is a weakness that can be exploited by your opponent", the more passionate someone is about a certain subject, the harder they will fight for the flag. When that happens, you already have an advantage as they are getting worked up and you're not. You're points will be seen as more reasoned and not driven by emotional bias. However, you will never be able to convince these types of people to agree with you. They will never surrender but you will to walk away with the greater grace.

Thank you Charles for an intriguing 5 minutes. Read it!
Charles' Rules of Argument

Now before I sidetracked to the topic of arguments, I was going to express my excitement for an upcoming tour of THE AWESOME-EST GROUP EVER BESTOWED UPON EARTH. Yes N.E.R.D are coming down under! YAY! Although their most recent release, Seeing Sounds, was only so and so fair compared to their past work, they are well worth seeing nonetheless.

They will be playing at Vodafone Arena on March 5, 09.
Tix will go on sale Friday 14th of November 08

So can someone please come with me? :D I will love you to death :D:D I don't want to miss this show like I missed Linkin Park. That was a sad time.

How much hotter can you get?!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

And so it is..

So I was browsing through some old stuff, photos mainly, and I remembered that I used to have one of those 'spaces' on msn that can only be viewed through Internet Explorer (what a bitch). Reading over the few blog entries of just random jibble jabble brought back fond memories of my earlier self. Pleasant feeling it was :) Don't you just love it when that happens? Reminiscing over old times. Oh yes you do. So I decided to start writing again. Blogger you say? I WILL CONQUER THE WORLD HOR HOR HOR!

I guess I'm dedicating my first entry to the man sitting in the seat in front of me on the bus last night. I would usually look out the window but i just couldn't resist staring at him. I would say he was aged late 30s - 40, pale complexion, shaved head with glasses. He was reading the MX, which was why I was peering over in the first place. He began with the Goss and Glam section slowly flipping his way to the Games page to do the sudoku. It was a rather chilly night as I was wearing a jacket and scarf. I believe he felt the same which probably explains why he would begin blowing his nose into an invisible tissue. Not his hands, not his sleeve, but the air surrounding his face would've so adequately caught any mucus and boogas his nose decided to project. Disgusting man he was. As expected, his plan failed leaving him no choice but to ferociously pick snot-villa manually out of his nose. First the right nostril, then the left. I guess his pinky finger wasn't adequate enough to do the job, he needed his thumb to take over. Not to deprive the rest of his digits though, the index finger had its fair share of booga heaven not long afterward. No better way to end such a grand performance than with a perfect finale, and indeed it was. Perhaps he too saw Kevin Rudd on Youtube and decided it was okay to eat your own excrements as it is afterall, somewhat a form of recycling, for which we all should endeavour.

A lesson to be learnt in this story today is; do not borrow pens from a stranger whatsoever, and please, for the love of oneself, have a little shame. Oh and if you happen to be in a car by yourself and for some reason, think that no one outside can see you, think again. As a frequent observer (and a victim every now and then) people CAN see you from all directions and you are not as enclosed as you think you are from the public eye. So think twice before deciding whether it is safe to release Mr.Booga from your nostril's wrath. Do it in the comfort of your own home! Like you would with all things down and dirty ;)